
I'm Back!

The last time i blogged the older R was in kindergarten. Now the younger R is in kindergarten.
How the tides have turned.

Im still enjoying life but have much to complain about. So i decided to be "back".

Ive quieted down my life quite a bit. I only have two responsibilities outside the home. My board membership with the local town ******.
(Which, after being voted back in as vice chair for another year , I've been told i will never be asked to leave unless i die or move. hmm. which to choose?) And my involvement with church callings. I enjoy giving service for my HEavenly Father!! These are my only responsibilities outside the home which is okay with me. I feel like Im retired from volunteer work. Im possibly the only person who at age thirty-blakdfdkjagnfd years old who has volunteering as a professional career and chosen to RETIRE from volunteer work at the age of (discretionary note) rather than the opposite.

So this post is about friends.
I miss friendships. I miss enjoyable conversations over sweet pastries and diet coke. I miss talking to someone of the same sex about books, clothes, tv shows, etc. I miss talking period. Dont get me wrong im not a hermit by any means im just a mother with no time to make friends.
There are plenty of people i know but not really attracted to their personalities. I have met woman i could tolerate but they dont seem to fancy me. que sera sera.
point blank i miss my friends of ole. My bestie moved to Michigan and that was very sad. i miss her on a daily basis. i esp miss her when things are down and out for me, im sure she feels the same. I could call but i feel very uncomfortable on phone conversations. im better depicted in person. LOL. I dont want to lose connection with her. Im very good at doing that. People seem to think I dont care to keep in touch but thats really not the case. Im rather terrified of phone conversations- its silly really. Im very much a prime grade A INTROVERT! Ive lost such great friendships due to my lack of connectivity! theres no excuse i really should try harder. Therefore ive made a vow to myself to do just that.

i had a friend named Hazel whom i loved like a sister and i havent talked with her since I got married. It seems my union to someone else didnt sit right for her or my lack of availability to her single life put a huge strain on our friendship. I miss that gal dearly.

my friendship or lack of with Lilibeth was made evident when she so weirdly refused our visit on day. Much had led up to this point but it was weird how she refused to visit with us after our 5 hour trip to Gilbert Arizona. She was first a boss, 10 years my senior, then a dear friend. Many things like children, spouses, & graduate school stress made for the perfect formula of this break-up.

side note: i went to the store for 6 items, left with 15, and still forgot the darn trash bags.

My mother is suppose to be my friend regardless but seems to have lost that memo. over 38 years of her being my ma ive forgiven, ive shrugged off many things but the shenanigans never seem to run out. Planning a cultural healing meeting on the same weekend as my oldest 12th birthday! Really! and after I had talked with you about her attendance. REALLY!

Dads! well dads are suppose to be there for you always. well rather than enjoying retirement and being grandpa to my 4 yr old. He decides he needs a new journey. yes, thats right my 68 yr old father now has a son. I have a two year old brother. My 6 yr old daughter is already an AUNT.

In a time when i need two people the most to be my friend - they always seem to be self-absorbed as usual.

Remember when you have children be there for them always - you never know when theyre feeling blue.


Hi y'all!
I'm back. I should Neva have left. You won't believe the chaotic mess I've had these past few months. Last we posted it was oct 2011. Well it's now march 4, 2012. Whew! What a ride.

I've been so overly stretched that I've lost a few "jobs". Lost sight of what is important. Mixed up my priorities.
Made a pure mess of my life.

Im no longer teaching at church, PTO is slow going, and girl scouts has just shoved me over for new meat.
What a joy! Lol

I will go into much detail but not tonight, Reagan needs milk and is whining - daddy fell asleep on her. So she's looking to whine to someone who'll listen. Haha

Completed our taxes today, yahoo! Going to AZ renaissance festival nex week. We have 7 days plus 2 extra days , nine all together for spring break. Can you believe it!

We're right in middle of cookie season and rhyan has sold 315, or mommy has sold. My girl is growing up so quickly.
Boy, I'm almost 35 and rhyan will be 8 in two months.where o where has the time gone? :0)

Teaser: a lil pettiness goes a long way... One needy mom doesn't get what she wants o she calls my girl scout boss and makes n invalid complaint. Stupid Stupid stupid! Now I feel like junk , when I shouldn't be.


Few pics of the girls - more to come!

FALL 2011

Well well well!

OMGoodness, I have been so terribly busy.
I havent logged on because I dont have any stinking time.

Im so busy with all my many responsibilities, most of you dont have the slightest clue. Im the mother of a 7 yr old - who has to be at school every morning at 730am. With a 20 minute commute. Im super tired in the morning so thats very difficult. I know I know! ready? im gonna complain more and your not gonna like it. (o:

I am also a mother to a very grouchy, defiant, chubby, uncompromising 22 months old!
nuff sed. i think so!

Wife to a very hungry and over worked man. (wait gota go cook- be back in 5)

PTO president of 7 yr olds school

Girl Scout Leader for 7 yr old

Church Relief Society (womens grp) Homemaking leader - with lots of home-making activities planned. What was i thinking!

We have gone thru planning and executing the school FAll Fest, a girlscout NUT fundraiser, a Christmas Holiday Super Saturday Crafting day, Halloween decorating, girlscout ceremonies, and off-site events on weekends!

Im sooooooo exhausted. My poor hunny is actually using his leave hrs to babysit for me. I havent been to therapy in awhile - and yes im in therapy. My second kid drove me insane - lol!

Therapy is good for me - cuz i get someone else's validation that IM NOT CRAZY - my family is! hahahaha LOL (seriously!)

Love my family and loving church. Love my friends - what left of them that is. hee hee

trying to organize, wash one load at a time, cook and shower, one day at a time. trying to find time to fit all other things in. Like holiday shopping, party planning, family time, and its underway - what is, you ask? LIFE.

Im a full fledged momma and never have time for anything - except service to others. I cant even remember my husbands name - u know that guy! uh.... (o;



The little things ....

This is the life....
my girls, my hubby, bowl of popcorn, and The Great Muppet Caper movie.
loving life!!!!!!!

Hope your all well.


Dom still at Fire in NM. Havent heard from him in 7 days. getin rough. Just read on another blog that a wffw (wildland firefighter wife)and her hubby use this device called the SPot GPS. It connect to email and cellphones. with husband outta cellsvc range he can still connect with you via satellite. He simply pushes a button on his gps unit and it send message to ur home base. how cool is that. you can even program message to be sent on command from gps unit. Such as "I LOVE YOU", simply sent from hubbies gps. This will plot his location on a map and u can see hes still ok, even when he hasnt called in say, 7 days. Gotta get one of these!!!!!!

on another note, Ry said something to me last night after prayer.
I was concerned she wasnt having a good summer and expressed my concern by simply asking her how she felt her summer was coming along and only 2 weeks remained. I said there are no wrong or right answers and she could speak freely. I was expecting her to complaing and simply pout about how bored shes been and its not fair "all the other kids get to do this and that...."
But that wasnt the case. She said very sincerely:
Im having a great summer ever mom!

(shocked i said U ARE??)

Yeah, I got to spend most of the summer with you, reagan, and daddy. I havent dont that EVER.

(well is there anything you want to do that is practical for our family?)


(okay, we can do that. so make a list of 20 things u would like to do in the next 2 weeks)

k, but can i do it in the morning, im really tired. i did alot of exercises during the movie.

She jumped up and down, waving her hands in the air, while watching a disney movie. She thinks it was hard work. When i think shes really maturing beyond her years, she makes a comment like this. lol.

So yes, i havent been the best mom this summer. so lazy. I dispise doing things with the lil toddler. she runs rampant in public and im embarrased to restrain her in fears i might kill her in public. she's tooo wild. i thought rhyan had ADHD when she was 2 yrs old. reagan is WORSE. but now i know its not ADHD or ADD, its purely Gods way of punishing me for my younger yrs as a college kid and for the hard times i gave my parents in high school. Karmas a B****!

Seems like Rhyan is experiencing the terrible two's with reagan.
She was unbelievable this summer and thats partly why i didnt do much with her. or maybe she reacted to me not doing anything with her? hmmm. something to think about.
She was scolded by me daily for doing something wrong. so much i packed away the tv in my bedroom. she has been on a "no tv" diet for 2 wks now. I made a deal with her. If she reads 300 chapter books in a 3rd and 4th or higher grade level, gets more exercise and helps out more with non-playing duties, she will receive her own computer. She said yes to the deal and we are off and this journey together. It'll be hard on my part as well. I cant do anything these days (or months) with Rhyan in peace. Reagan screams and needs to be in the middle of everything. Ive resorted to getting a babysitter for reagan so Rhyan and i can do things togther, like the old days. You know they say people in my church can help, but no one seems willing to do it when asked. Maybe they can see that Reagan really isnt that pleasant. I know thats why my parents wont take her. lol

My brother in law stops by to take Rhyan places but never the baby. Yet he took Rhyan all the time when she was a baby. I tell you, its because shes a terror!

poor reagan, no one likes her! tee hee

Reagan has this thing shes so proud of...she can close the doors in the house by herself. She just walked outa my room after rummaging thru her dads closet, grabbed a carabiner clip, and said so sweetly "Bye", waved and closed the door. Where do u imagine shes gone with that clip and what will she do with it???? in a few minutes ill hear Rhyan crying and yelling, "reagan hit me with this".............

such is my life these days *sigh*

luv u all and ill post more later. *smooches*


July 2011 Update

Well Well!

Whew, sure has been awhile. Isnt that an understatement. lol.
Well these past few days , the girls and I, went on a last minute trip.
Since last Thanksgiving, when Reagan ended up in the ER in Casa Grande, we havent taken any long distant trips- til Weds. that is.
We took off to see my ma. A last resort to attempt a "summer vacation". We have been coop'ed up in smalltown NM WITH Dominick. He had decided to take most of the summer off from stomping out fires. (my ma refers to him as the family rhino). Which i think is very cute. [side note: i havent been online for over 6 months or more due to my computer crash. Ive got a virus or trojan either way my laptop is seriously ill :o(]

So with Dominick home most of the summer, we had committed to spending more quality time together. Well, Dom took an assigment on Tuesday and ran away to Reserve,NM to the Eagle Fire. Two days later he was re-assigned to the Lookout Fire near Carlsbad, NM. With that op we took our money and ran. Literally! We drove to AZ on Weds night and it took 6 to 7 (stinkin')hrs with my "pottu" girls. Thats all the wanted to do. PEE! I stopped every chance we could so these girls could empty their bladders. Or more like, change diapers. They fought almost all the way. They screamed, they laughed , they cried. All within 285 miles. Way too much for this parent. Not to excited bout the next trip i have to take with these kids...alone. Sure helps to have a companion assist.
The trip back to NM wasnt tough at all. We left super early this morning, stopped for playtime at McD's, THEN THE BABY SLEPT, FOR 3 HRS, allllll the way to Holbrook. That was WONDERFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Then she woke :o( :o( :o(
Fed 'em AGAIN and away we went for an hour long drive of screaming, fighting, nagging, laughing and and and .Need i go on?!

Arrived home to a lonely house, AGAIN, missing Dominick. So here I am typing to you finally. I have no spouse tonight and the kids have passed out cold. So I have all the time in the world to update y'all bout da "goin's son 'roun ar neca dawoods". Hoping I have time tomorrow night to do da same. Oh and by da way, we or I lost our nice digital camera so I cant post picts. sad isnt it! luv u all and hope you all are well.


Get it together Rhonda!

These beautiful children I have I would protect with my life. But tonight I put myself and my children in harms way. I did the dumbest most unimaginable mistake of all time and I am feeling such guilt!

I really dont know what got into me. Thinking I could be quik with this task and everything would be fine. But the worst case scenario happened and it shook my foundation like you wouldnt believe.

Its 2 and a half hours later and I still cant shake the feeling. As of and hour ago my DH had been gone for more than 48 hrs on a fire assignment. Thankfully he got home just after all this happened. IF not I'd still be a mess. Crying like a mad person. Really I cant believe what happened but it has really made me re-evaluate the way ive been thinking lately. Just the other day I forgot i was preheating a pan, FOR 30 MINUTES! (maybe longer-who does that)

To add insult to injury, I made the most idiotic comment to my babysitters husband. Now Im sure he thinks Im a crazy person. I get so nervous around him trying to make a good impression that I resort to talking about his profession. Which is really not that important in the spectrum of things. Plus these are people I go to church with. He's probably telling his wife tonight that Im obsessed with his job. When really I could careless its the only thing short of no-conversation I can come up with. UH!

And im in this girlscout thing with a bunch of strangers whom make me very uncomfortable.

U ever feel like staying home and away from people would be the best option for u. I do. I am such a ticking time bomb that im almost certain that for me and my family - staying home and taking care of the kids is best for me to stay away from trouble. But with what just happened tonite I feel like im failing that job too.

*just wasnt a good day* My DH said, "tomorrows another day..."

Thats right and lets hope I learned a valubale lesson tonight. never leave the kids alone, even for a second.

Reagan attempts to escape

When i saw her standing there I immediately thought of Uncle Matt! Uncle Traveling Matt, Gobo's uncle, from Fraggle Rock! lol

wanna see a portrait of me and my lovely dad!

Anybody who knows the Muppets well. Knows that Bunsen, the grouchy - impatient scientist who'd yell incessantly at poor innocent Beeker, making him a nervous wreck. Beeker needed prozaic. What a mess feeble-minded beeker was!!

Dis me and my wonderful "not-so-patient" dad. Love ya dad! :o) *smiles from ear2ear*


Snow this past wkend. so over snow! so over...moving along...spring where are you, huh!

OH! U peeps will not believe the trouble ive gotten myself in to.
Girl Scout Cookies! Nuff sed?
Oh boy, and Im not just a mutha wit a gurl and cookies. Im a woman in charge of 13 girls and THEIR ma's and THEIR cookie orders. Each averaged 100 cookies boxes each. which roughly works out to 44 plus 36 plus 3 cases, oh.... a lil under 100 cases of cookies. 83 cases at a dzn each is 996 boxes of cookies. Yours truly has to handle each one and tally em for our girls. UGH!!!! ( running aroun house screaming, and crying, asking self WHY? WHy? Why?????)

lol. *sigh* gather urself rhonda, she tells her self. Then she trys to muster up the last of her sanity to cook dinner for her neglected family. Her Husband thinks she has left him for another. Another man? no. Another box of chocolate covered cookies. She sits quitely in a dark garage corner nibbling lil by lil each morsel of Samoas from her cookie surplus.

Back to reality! U ladies jusdokno! mmmmm mm!
We're all still alive. Myhouse is a mess, My garbage disposal is stinkin up the house and that irritating. THe kids are getting biger by the week. Toni, Tj and Ry could be 2 peas in a pod. Their both long linky kids. My ma and pa think I starve ry cuz shes so thin. She eats mountains of food but grows so fast. I wana call her Steve Erkel. Her pants are so high, we kid bout a flood. Shes clueless as to what were saying. Her fav books to read these days are Magic Tree House. PErsonally, I cant stand em. Their very educational but I get so irritated by the characters. Its like im re-living The Teletubbies. Ugh!

Reagan has such an attitude. She loves Rhyan. She gets so excited when we ready ourselves to hed out da door 2 pik up ry. She sings rhyans name on I40 all the way to school. and screams with excitement when she sees the kids line up on the curbside pik up. its really a joy to experience everyday. but not as much as seeing her sleep in the car while i wait. *sigh* sweet bliss, a sleeping toddler! *sigh* had to sigh again. lol

hoep your all well. will try to check in again soon. take care!


Cookies...cookies, anyone! Anyone.....

Dec 14th last post. (tis tis)

Hi ya'll

Girl Scout cookies are underway!
Selling lke hotcakes. $3.50 a box. Wana buy? Send me an email rlgishi@msn.com
Have a Fabulous, Relaxing Sabbath 2moro!


Im so not a baker!

Hello Hello Ladies

I'm back. I have come to find out that its so much easier and less stressful for ME if I go grocery shopping at 4am. Hubby wakes up at 630am. Gets kids up and feeds and dresses them while i shower EVERY MORNING. How great is he? So While Im out shopping from 430am to 7am, everything is under control at home. I dont have to lug the baby out to the store at 8am, in the cold, and shop with all the other government wives on Fed Govt payday. lol.

Believe me, it gets extremely crazy around here.

So if any of you read post regarding my baked good gifts. Ive thrown in the towel and found an easier solution... Libby's Pumpkin Bread kit. Yahoo! So as I type I have 11 mini loaves in oven, 350'F for 50mins. yippee!

While waiting for Rhyan to be dismissed yesterday at school i searched mobile web for a recipe. Found one on Foodnetwork site by one Cathy Lowe. But it seemed to difficult for me. It called for all sorts of modifications such as, splitting gran. sugar portion to half white sugar and half brown sugar. adding a "lil" applesauce (how much? who knows), cut oil down to 3/4c. from 1c., use 2 c.pumpkin by volume not the 15oz can. too much for this newbie!

Christmas shopping is coming along. Reagan an i are getting to know each other and becoming good friends. We both still have our moments when we wish the other would go away but 4 now we luv one another.

Rhyan is happy this is the last week of school for the 2010 year. ME 2!

Dominick is out burning again. The received their funds and are crankin' out smoke on BIA. lol!

This has been one crazy year! But i had fun on my journey this year as a new momof2. Two sure are different from 1.

Ms. TOni, Rhyan and I were gonna end our involvement with scouts 2. But I got myself in some deep water. Your readind the blog of the new girl scout troop leader for Rhys troop. The council here is gonna split the existing troop between me and the original leader. Hope I can learn from her mistakes and hope I dont fall on my face.

Reagan loves to sit and look at picture books and color on blank paper, for now. She doesnt try to eat the crayon nor the book. I love that shes growing fond of books and curious as why we sit with em every evening, im sure. *warm feeling*

So will let you know how bread turns out. I also purchased the Krusteaz mix and will bake that tonite when ubby is home.

There is an Al-NOn meeting to at 12pm and Im gona try to sit in. First time. Have avoided going since I first had that lil voice in my head urge me to go, in 2000.

Maybe it'll help me figure out why im so messed up. :0)

Love you all and dont give up on my posts. I will always come bak. I may not do it regularly but I will never leave u. and u neither, right?! :0) :o)